Team Canada


59 684

34 / 50
Competitive and chill clan. Only recruiting people who will participate in war. Promotions are earned through donations and war
Admisión de Clan
Miembros 34 / 50
Tipo Abrir
Puntuación del Clan 59 684
Trofeos necesarios 6 000
Líder coolplayerM
Rango de Trofeos 3 853 – 9 000
Información del Clan
Ubicación Canadá
Donaciones por semana 450
Veteranos 1
Colíderes 4
# Jugador
Última vez
1 Ederator
9 000
2024-05-14 05:28:20
2 Colíder
8 655
2024-05-14 15:30:10
3 Colíder
8 067
2024-05-13 23:20:52
4 Líder
8 000
2024-05-14 21:11:23
5 stefan
7 128
2024-05-14 21:11:00
6 justindud
7 120
2023-06-16 20:40:53
7 Same
7 114
2024-05-15 06:25:12
8 Veterano
7 024
2024-05-15 03:36:47
9 LonelyMinotaur7
6 891
2024-05-14 12:03:04
10 Redside
6 627
2024-04-29 05:05:44
11 Papichulo
6 625
2024-05-14 23:49:39
12 castro
6 526
2023-08-12 20:37:14
13 BlazeQuilava
6 379
2023-09-24 00:25:48
14 Donald Trump
5 757
2022-12-29 19:34:22
15 eatMYrotii
5 748
2024-03-23 20:34:16
16 Strumple
5 648
2022-11-24 01:44:10
17 Danknexx
5 644
2022-12-18 11:56:24
18 Avogadro
5 624
2022-05-22 20:44:27
19 ION King
5 563
2024-04-26 03:27:22
5 308
2021-12-19 01:07:28
21 dan
5 241
2023-08-08 00:02:02
22 miktheproz
5 229
2023-09-26 07:18:05
23 Potato Eater 1
5 100
2021-10-03 23:43:07
24 darkslave
4 936
2024-03-27 05:29:43
25 mr.mike24
4 150
2024-02-15 04:41:32
26 taku
3 859
2022-11-01 19:04:31
27 hayden
3 853
2022-05-08 07:48:14
28 Colíder
4 501
2022-02-07 10:57:35
29 Tara The Great
4 009
2021-12-01 01:59:55
30 CreesGanarme
4 930
2021-11-28 11:14:32
31 Colíder
4 026
2021-11-21 01:03:44
32 Ferenci
4 004
2021-11-02 01:27:48
33 faze_kermit
4 348
2021-10-28 00:23:04
34 Jumanji
4 406
2021-10-27 01:43:14

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La Tienda oficial de Supercell:

Este idioma es traducido por:
- HDB - Zakees